Friday, August 8, 2014

Macbook and iPad MDM and Wifi Setup for 2014 at KIS

To improve WiFi Connectivity for Educational devices at KIS, several changes were made in the summer.

Only Educational devices will be on the WiFi service, meaning Macbooks and iPads.  If there is an educational need for an extra device, please see the IT Help Desk for assistance.

KIS's Mobile Device Manager (MDM) will automatically deploy the KIS_M password.  This will no longer be given out freely.  To assist gaining access to the MDM to deploy the password, a wifi network KIS_Visitor has been setup. This will only access the KIS MDM enrolment pages.  
To use KIS_Visitor, go to the WiFi symbol at the top of the screen, and Select KIS_Visitor.  Launch Safari or Google Chrome.  From here, KIS_Visitor will want you to select 'Guest'.  The Password is kisv1234

To add your Macbook or iPad to the MDM, visit this page via the KIS_Visitor network, or your home network.  I would recommend loading this website in Safari or Google Chrome.  Enter your LDAP login, which is your MacID.  The password for faculty is kisstaff, and the default password for students is kisstudent.  This will prompt your device to begin the enrolment procedure.

On the Macbook, a "QuickAdd" package will download.  Open this file.  A Mac's default settings will not open this directly.  To remedy this, Go to System Preferences / Security.  Click on the "Open Anyway" button to start the enrolment.

On the iPad, the procedure is very similar.  But for students, please gain assistance from the EdTech office, as there is another step.  After you visit the enrolment page, and entered your LDAP details, Follow the prompts for "install".  After the profiles are all installed, Safari will give you a message that the installation is complete.

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