Creating Your Own Classroom Guide: RIP Textbooks
I went to Jeff Utecht's 'Nutshell' session on the final day of L2. As a keen user of Flipboard, I arrived understanding the key idea here. It's one he also explained while in Seoul for an Unconference we had.Here is the basic premise, and these are criticisms:
- Traditional textbooks are static.
- The textbook is old or outdated.
- The textbook is designed as a the sole source of information.
- Textbook questions tend to be low level or fact-based.
- Textbook doesn't take students' background knowledge into account.
- Reading level of the textbook can be too difficult. Or too easy.
- The textbook has all the answers to all the questions.
- Textbooks are formulaic.

What if this was your textbook? Welcome to this L2 Remix, and welcome to the possibilities that Flipboard can offer you and your students. Now with over 30,000 topics to choose from, finding the content that inspires you and your students is pretty easy.
Getting Started and Prepared:
- Download Flipboard onto your chosen device (iOS/Android)
- Create your Account on the iOS or Android App.
- Download Chrome and sign into it using your school email. Add a second account for your personal gmail account if applicable. (you can bring all your bookmarks from Safari/Firefox etc)
- Add the 'Flip It' extension to your Chrome browser.
- Want to rearrange your 'textbook'? -
Here is the basic Concept of a creating your own textbook
- Create an Account
- Search for your topic
- Start flipping
- Tap the '+' button and give your first magazine (i.e. 'textbook') a name.
- Select a category for your magazine
- Decide if public or private. Opt for 'public'.
- Continue 'flipping'
- Share a link to your magazine via Schoology or email.
In this Remix:
You are welcome to use your own device (preferable), or use a loaned iPad. You will create an Account, and follow instructions 2-7 (above). This is a hands on session, and you will make a start on creating your textbook.
Resources to help:
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