Monday, February 9, 2015

Create an online ‘textbook’ with Flipboard

Create an online ‘textbook’ with Flipboard

This Professional Development opportunity presents an idea that I came across while at Learning 2.014 (courtesy of Jeff Utecht). As a longtime Flipboard user, the use of Flipboard always seemed geared mostly towards individual consumption of news, blogs and social media feeds. 

Flipboard presents content in a beautiful way. But in this session, we show you how to use Flipboard for classroom learning. It's simple and intuitive. 

The premise quite simply is to create a Flipboard Magazine, and then clip content from across the internet into it. It's easy and fast to do this. The great part though is that not only can people 'Follow' your Magazine, but if invited, can contribute to it as well in a collaborative manner. 

For the teacher, used to posting links to various individual pieces of content to students through Learning Management Systems such as Schoology (as is the case at KIS), this provides the 'Curation' add on. 

Session Objective: Create a Flipboard Magazine, add Content, and Share. 

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