In 2015-16 our first group of One to World students will enter the Middle School. They will be required to have a MacBook as per usual, but unlike any previous intake, they will be armed and dangerous in the use of iPads. Serious skill and seriously different to previous years.
Proposal to all O2W teachers and students:
We have 16 regular Fish Bowl sessions which we thought we would like to give you and your students the opportunity to showcase your work, in particular for the benefit of our MS teachers. (Teachers please note that Friday May 22 is Sports Day!)
Sessions Types:
The 16 sessions over the O2W Week will (at this stage) be comprised of the following session types, in addition to a student panel.
- Teacher presentations about an effective use of technology that is integrated (I have heard so many of these this year...please consider sharing. 10-40 mins, you choose)
- Students Team Presentations. Theme: "Learning we are passionate about...". This is a formal/semi-formal presentation that has structure to it. It could also follow more of a Workshop type format too though.
- Open Classroom - where teachers and admin visit your classroom and showcasing technology integration. A snapshot of life in your classroom.
+ Student Panel EdTech plans on assembling a 9 person student panel to respond to questions or topics raised by teachers who attend. The student panel will scheduled to occur twice during O2W Week. You can nominate up to 3 students to participate per Form submitted.
You can submit a Form for each of these opportunities. If you decide to enter your own presentation, as well as an offer to host an Open House, you will need to submit this form twice in that case.
Session Structure:
4 days, 16 sessions (4 per day) - 8.20; 10.20; 12:35; 2.05 (i.e. regular Fish Bowl times)
You will have the opportunity to let us know what would work for you though.
Obligation to participate?
No. None whatsoever. But it will be a great way to celebrate and share your successes and experiences if you do!!
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